Americans Are Unhappy

A recent survey found that Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years. The survey, conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, found that just 14 percent of American adults say they’re very happy. This is...

Planned Parenthood Endorses Biden

It’s no secret that Democratic nominee for president Joe Biden believes that abortion is a fundamental right. His voting record and rhetoric on the campaign trail make this clear. So it should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood just endorsed Biden....

Judicial Activism

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling that expanded the definition of sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity is without a basis in history or law. Justice Alito dissented and said that the legislature should change the law, not the courts. We...

SCOTUS Expands Definition of Sex

The U.S. Supreme Court expanded the definition of sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The court heard a case out of Georgia called Bostock v. Clayton County, where a man who identified as homosexual lost his job and claimed that he was discriminated...

Two Ways to Change Society

There are two ways to change the rules of society. The first is where citizens work through the democratic process and leaders change policy in an orderly way, which is called civilization. The second way of change is through mob violence. In the first case, Pres....

California’s Contradictions in Shelter in Place

The Contra Costa County, California Health department updated its shelter-in-place order. They’ve updated their mass gathering ban to allow political protests of up to 100 people. At the same time, they’re still limiting outdoor social gatherings to 12...

New York Times Editor Forced Out

In the last several years, the New York Times has published opinion pieces from controversial figures like Vladimir Putin, Iran’s foreign minister, and a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Times even published an essay promoting the normalization of...

Beshear’s Approval of Louisville Protestors Inconsistent

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has spent months telling Kentuckians how they need to help slow the spread of coronavirus. He’s ordered many businesses shuttered, restricted weddings, funerals, backyard barbecues, and he told churches they shouldn’t meet in...

Minneapolis Takes Steps to Dismantle the Police

The Minneapolis City Council voted to “begin the process of dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department.” Several other big cities are being pressured to dismantle their police force and divert funding to education and other social supports. The anger and...

Louisville Pastors Pray for Police

Tensions are high between the black community and police in Louisville after protests over George Floyd’s death ended in violence, looting, and the death of David McAtee, a black man shot by police. Violence and looting is never the right response to injustice....