Is America at a Tipping Point?

Social tensions are extremely strained, maybe even at a breaking point. There is racial strife, envy between socio-economic classes, opposition toward the law enforcement and the rule of law, and political differences that lead the two major political parties ready to...

KY Supreme Court to Hear Gambling Case

Are video slots machines that feature a two-second video of horserace – a bet on a horserace or just what they look like: a video slot machine? That’s the question the Kentucky Supreme Court will finally answer after a ten-year legal battle. In 2010, the...

CDC Warns Effects of Closing Schools Disastrous

The CDC released a report about the effect of closing schools will have on school children. The report challenges “families and policymakers… to consider the full spectrum of benefits and risks of both in-person and virtual learning options.” The CDC...

How to Have a Conversation

In our digital saturated, short-attention-span, politically charged, I need-to-be-right- at-any-cost culture, it’s near impossible to have a conversation—even with family members. But if we care about civility we must rediscover the lost art of conversation Here...

Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn

We’ve all heard of sanctuary cities where local governments have refused to cooperate with the federal government by reporting illegal aliens. Now there are “sanctuary cities for the unborn.” These are cities that are going on record to protect the unborn from...

The Limits of Protest

Protestors trespassed into Kentucky Attorney General’s Daniel Cameron’s yard and demanded that he take action with the Breonna Taylor death at the hands of Louisville police. Protestors did the same at Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Louisville home last...

Bedlam in Portland

The scene in Portland Oregon was surreal. Violent protestors were destroying public property. The federal government sent in troops to protect the Federal Justice Center. And Mayor Ted Wheeler spoke through a bullhorn and said “I stand with you.” At the...

Protecting Our Children

We all want to protect our children and their innocence. That’s why we have laws against exploiting them for any reason, including sexual exploitation. Yet it’s becoming common to hear of somebody arrested or sentenced for possessing child pornography. Now...