Tax Day

Today is tax day and if you haven't yet filed, there's still time.  For many, it's a painful reminder of just how much the government takes from our wallet. We pay state sales tax, local property tax and state and federal income tax. According to the...

Tax Day

Today is tax day and if you haven't yet filed, there's still time.  For many, it's a painful reminder of just how much the government takes from our wallet. We pay state sales tax, local property tax and state and federal income tax. According to the...

A Vote Against Anti-Christian Bigotry

Wisconsin supreme-court candidate Brian Hagedorn was labeled a bigot by the state's largest newspaper. His crime? He founded a Christian school that adhered to a Biblical model for human relationships. On February 14, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran a...

Kentucky Ranks #1 in Child Abuse

April is National Child Abuse Prevention month. According to the latest report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Kentucky ranks number one in the nation in child abuse rates. McCracken County Family Court Judge Deanna Henschel says she's seen...

Henderson SOGI Law Proposed

A majority of Henderson City Commissioners said they'd like to reconsider a "Fairness" ordinance that elevates sexual orientation and gender identity to civil rights status. An LGBT-rights advocate said opposition to the proposed ordinance was...


A new movie exposing the inner workings of Planned Parenthood has been receiving lots of attention. It's called Unplanned, and it's doing remarkably well at the Box office. It opened at more than 1,000 theaters nationwide and it was the fourth top-grossing...

61-Year-Old Gives Birth to Own Grandchild

There's startling news out of Nebraska where a 61-year-old woman gave birth to her own granddaughter, Uma. Cecile Eledge served as a surrogate for her homosexual son who was also the sperm donor.  Eledge's daughter donated the eggs. So Baby Uma's...

Henderson SOGI Law Unfair, Unnecessary,

A majority of Henderson City Commissioners said they'd like to reconsider a "Fairness" ordinance that elevates sexual orientation and gender identity to civil rights status. Some see the move as promoting diversity and tolerance. Others see it as...

Teens and Screen Time

Does your teenager spend too much time on electronic devices? How about you?  Jean Twenge is a Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University and she says that teenagers who spend too much time on their digital devices are in danger of depression and...

The Church and Culture

According to a Pew Forum Survey a few years ago 76 percent of Kentuckians identify as Christians. Roughly half (49 percent) identify as evangelical. One of the challenges for many Kentuckians is how their personal faith relates to the culture around them. There's...

Free Speech Under Assault

The University of South Dakota shut down the showing of a film titled “Honor Diaries" which documented the honor killing of women in Islamic culture. Critics called the film anti-Muslim bigotry and pressured the university to cancel the event out...

Free Speech

Our First Amendment freedom of speech–the right to speak on political, social, and religious issues without fear of reprisal–is a freedom that we sometimes take for granted, especially younger generations. According to a recent survey by the Foundation for...

Pres. Trump Exonerated

Pres. Trump didn't collude with the Russians to win the 2016 election. That's according to the long-awaited report by special counsel Robert Mueller. The investigation lasted two years and involved more than 500 search warrants, 2,800 subpoenas, and interviews...

Media Matters Crossing a Line?

The group Media Matters is demanding that Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson be fired for comments he made several years ago. According to its website, Media Matters says its mission is to "make sure that the American people get the facts. We meticulously...

6th Circuit Defunds Planned Parenthood

The state of Ohio banned public funds from going to Planned Parenthood which sued to have the law overturned. However, a recent ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that Planned Parenthood doesn't have a right to those public funds. The court also...

Bring It!

The Kentucky legislature passed four pro-life bills into law in recent weeks. Two of the bills are already facing lawsuits by the ACLU. One of the bills banned abortion based on sex, ethnicity, and disability. The other protected life in the womb once a heartbeat is...

Families First Line of Defense

The Kentucky legislature considered hundreds of bills this last session and many of them had to do with the breakdown of the family. One bill would have reduced bail for low-level offenses for parents that have children in the home. As it is, Kentucky has one of the...

Sick of ‘Sickouts’

Jefferson County Public School system shut down six times in recent weeks due to teacher "sickouts" so they could protest in Frankfort. Now Kentucky's Commissioner of Education Wayne Lewis is asking the state's largest school district to produce...

Does Nature Have Rights?

Voters in Toledo, Ohio passed a law recognizing Lake Erie as an entity with rights. Voters in the special election approved the idea that Lake Erie has “the right to exist, flourish and naturally evolve.” Practically the measure allows any resident of...