California’s "back alley abortion" law

One of the reasons for legalizing abortion in established medical facilities was to prevent illegal or "back alley" abortions. Unlicensed doctors and shabby facilities would be a thing of the past. Instead, women would be treated by medical...

California’s “back alley abortion” law

One of the reasons for legalizing abortion in established medical facilities was to prevent illegal or "back alley" abortions. Unlicensed doctors and shabby facilities would be a thing of the past. Instead, women would be treated by medical...

Big Cases at the US Supreme Court

As the United States Supreme Court begins its new terms, the highest court in the land will hear several important cases pertaining to abortion and prayer. In Town of Greece v. Galloway, the Supreme Court will hear a case involving a dispute brought by secular...

Liberal Democrat calls for investigation of Stumbo

What do you call it when a state legislator resigns amidst a sexual harassment scandal; the director of the Legislative Research Commission abruptly resigns; and a liberal Democrat is calling for the investigation of the Speaker of the House? A bad month for...

Filibuster on Obamacare Has Begun

The long-awaited showdown between Republicans and Democrats has begun. Senator Ted Cruz, true to his pledge, has pulled all stops in blocking the arrival of the Affordable Care Act by beginning his filibuster against the bill's funding. He's been joined by...

Beshear to Override Education Vote

With science standards in education being hotly debated in Kentucky, it is being reported that Governor Beshear will override the vote of a legislative review committee and implement new science standards.  Debate ensued over the Next Generation Science Standards...

Mustering the courage to speak the truth

Twelve years ago our nation changed. We were jolted out of a routine morning of school and work when we heard news of an airliner crashing into the World Trade Center. Then a second plane struck.  We were under attack. “But why?” everyone asked. ...

9/11 and the path to the Darwin Award

Twelve years ago our nation changed forever. We were jolted out of a routine morning of school and work when we heard news of an airliner crashing into the World Trade Center. Then a second plane struck.  We were under attack. “But why?” everyone...

Congress Back to Work: Syria

As Congress heads back into session this week, one topic will be on the minds of our elected officials: the crisis in Syria. As many are most surely familiar with, the Obama administration’s self-imposed “red line” on Syrian use of chemical weapons...

Religious Liberty goes down in Oregon

The collapse of religious liberty continues. With August’s news of religious liberty taking a backseat to sexual orientation in New Mexico   September is starting off with a bang, too. News out of the northwest reveals that a Gresham, Oregon cake shop...

A culture of harassment

The nation was thrust into the midst of a strip-club act earlier in the week when MTV televised Video Music Awards showed Miley twerking in a nude bikini and Gaga stripping down to a thong and sea shell pasties.  The only thing missing was a shiny pole and strobe...

The ACLU: There they go again

Anyone familiar with President Reagan’s famous refrain, “There you go again”  will note that the President first said this remark in a bout of sighing annoyance toward his opponent, Jimmy Carter, who would offer the same repeated, tired lines of...

Truth and clarity integral to politics and life

More than 600 pro-Morsi protesters lie dead in Cairo streets after Egypt’s military cleared two Muslim Brotherhood camps on Wednesday. Coptic churches were then attacked and burned—forty in the last three days. The violence has spread across Egypt in what...

Planned Parenthood: Coming to a town near you?

Planned Parenthood, the government-subsidized “family planning” organization that oversaw over 330,000 abortions throughout the United States in 2012 is poised to inch further into the Commonwealth.  Currently, there are two abortion facilities in...