Diversity or Conformity: A Choice to Make

Karen Swallow Prior has a must-read in The Atlantic about California State University’s recent decision to derecognize Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Advocates of religious liberty who haven’t been living under a rock for the past year will find her...

Marriage Matters in Economics, Too

Contemporary political discourse frequently speaks in divisions like “social issues,” “the economy,” and “foreign policy.” While not without truth, these highly demarcated categories can obscure the real way in which worldview and...

Web Roundup 9/17

Here are some noteworthy pieces from around the media and blogosphere:   Commonwealth Policy Center announces endorsements for 2014 elections. “Battles For Eight Open Seats Could Determine Control of Kentucky House This Fall”—Lexington Herald...

Multi-Billion Dollar Casino Closes in Two Years

You can’t always get what you want, sang Mick Jagger. Casino gamblers often learn this lesson at a high price. This time, however, it’s the business suits atop a casino that have lost. The Revel Casino Hotel has closed doors just two years after opening,...

Gay Marriage Advocates: "Join or Be Jailed"

There’s a surreal quality about the way same sex marriage advocates so ruthlessly pursue any and all who disagree. Personally I can’t remember in my lifetime a movement so obviously double-faced in its rhetoric and campaigning. For years, same sex marriage...

Gay Marriage Advocates: “Join or Be Jailed”

There’s a surreal quality about the way same sex marriage advocates so ruthlessly pursue any and all who disagree. Personally I can’t remember in my lifetime a movement so obviously double-faced in its rhetoric and campaigning. For years, same sex marriage...

A Symbolic Victory for Marriage in Tennessee

Earlier this month a judge made a decision on Tennessee’s constitutional definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. The unusual thing about this particular judge was that he actually upheld the state’s right to define marriage thus. I say...

How Private is Private Morality? (Answer: Not Very)

Richard Nelson, director of the Commonwealth Policy Center, writes in an editorial for the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer that the city should ask itself whether an LGBT non-discrimination law is necessary. From his piece: We were once told that somebody's private...

David Frum Explains How Casinos Hurt Cities

David Frum has a superb piece today in The Atlantic about the effect that casinos have on cities and local economies. The short version: It’s not pretty. Frum begins by explaining a curious trend. The post-recession economy has lent to gaming floors fewer and...

Josh Barro, Anthony Kennedy and the New Liberalism

New York Times reporter Josh Barro put himself in the news last week by tweeting, “Anti-LGBT attitudes are terrible for people in all sorts of communities. They linger and oppress, and we need to stamp them out, ruthlessly.” His violent rhetoric was the...

Recap of Richard Nelson on "Kentucky Tonight"

Last night Richard Nelson participated in a panel for a spirited discussion on KET’s Kentucky Tonight program.  The topic was the recent Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision. Nelson was joined by Amy Cubbage of the Kentucky ACLU; Samuel Marcosson, professor...

Recap of Richard Nelson on “Kentucky Tonight”

Last night Richard Nelson participated in a panel for a spirited discussion on KET’s Kentucky Tonight program.  The topic was the recent Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision. Nelson was joined by Amy Cubbage of the Kentucky ACLU; Samuel Marcosson, professor...

Is crossdressing a constitutional right?

The “Growing Up Transgender" panel discussion hosted in Louisville earlier this month revealed something even more troubling about our culture and how we think than it does about the tortured souls who believe they are trapped in the bodies of the wrong...