The line between tolerance and intolerance is becoming increasingly blurred. Observe the online furor over TLC's recent special “My Husband's Not Gay.” The one-hour special details the stories of four Mormon men who struggle with same-sex attraction but choose to be in married relationships with women. GLAAD and other pro-LGBT groups have taken to the internet to amass more than 82,000 signatures on a petition to have the special banned from the network.
The petition asks TLC to “stop telling America that LGBT people should lie to themselves and to their faith communities about who they are and who they love.” Ironically, though, the entire special is built on these men being truthful with everyone around them concerning their attractions. Perhaps more disturbing, though, is the fact that the LGBT community is once again showing its open disdain for religious liberty, as the basis for these men's decisions seems to be grounded in the religion they practice.
Far greater moral atrocities are depicted on television on a daily basis than the moral decisions of these four men with barely a whisper from the LGBT community (or anyone else for that matter). TLC, to its credit, has stood behind these individuals' right to make their own lifestyle choices. The fact that GLAAD and other similar groups fail to recognize this right once again shows where the true intolerance lies.