Commonwealth Policy Center


Commonwealth Policy Center Opposed to Gov. Beshear’s Executive Overreach

September 18, 2024
CONTACT: Richard Nelson (

(Frankfort, KY) – The Commonwealth Policy Center responded to Gov. Andy Beshear’s executive order banning so-called conversion therapy. Many question whether it is even happening in Kentucky. CPC Executive Director Richard Nelson is dedicated to preserving the health and well-being of children but calls the order harmful. “This really isn’t about some kind of abusive practice as much as it’s about the ability of parents to teach their kids moral boundaries and healthy sexual ethics.”

“Parents have the right to guide their children on sexual ethics according to their faith tradition. And they have the right to take their children to counselors who support their beliefs,” Nelson said. “This executive order chills the speech and guidance of biblical counselors who are dedicated to supporting parents and the biblical sexual ethic.”