America seems as divided as ever before. Between Nike's controversial ad with Colin Kaepernick and the Supreme Court hearings over Brett Kavanaugh, we're a nation divided. Sometimes you wonder if there's anything that can bring America together. I think there are. Look at our founding documents. The Declaration reminds us that God endows each of us with rights. The Constitution limits government power. As Americans we enjoy the freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and freedom to assemble and protest. We have the freedom to choose our political leaders. These are amazing freedoms and they bind us together as a people. Remember, it's not political parties or a charismatic leader that binds us, it's our collective understanding that our shared freedoms are the things that make us Americans.
The Things That Bind Us Together
by Richard Nelson | Sep 13, 2018 | Blog | 0 comments

Richard NelsonDirector, Commonwealth Policy Center