The Southern Baptist Convention is reeling after a six-month investigation revealed widespread sexual abuse in the church. The investigation by newspapers in San Antonio and Houston revealed that 380 church leaders victimized more than 700 people over a 20 year period. More than 100 of the church leaders are registered sex offenders and 100 are currently in prison. Six of those leaders are from Kentucky.. Russell Moore, who heads the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, said. “The report is alarming and scandalous, the courage and grace of these survivors is contrasted with the horrific depravity of those who would use the name of Jesus to prey on them.” While such reports are damaging to the faith it doesn't dismiss the tenets of the faith. If anything, it confirms the frailness of our humanity. Pray for the SBC and those who've been hurt by this abuse.
Sex Abuse at SBC
by Richard Nelson | Feb 18, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

Richard NelsonDirector, Commonwealth Policy Center