Paganism is one of the fastest-growing religions in America. Nearly 1.5 million Americans openly claim paganism as their religion. And most self-identified pagans in America have embraced a broader form of paganism. Liel Leibovitz, editor of Tablet, defines this form of paganism as the belief that nothing is true, and everything is permitted. While many pagans would say they are atheists, they can’t escape the fact that man is religious by nature. We’re created beings, and this implies there is a Creator. And when we deny the Creator God, we become our own god, make up our own rules, and tell a new story—one that displaces the story of Jesus Christ who came to fix the brokenness in the world and fill our deepest longings.
Paganism is America’s fastest growing religion
by Staff | Apr 27, 2023 | Blog | 2 comments
The information in this article is blatantly incorrect. It says that pagans believe nothing is true. That is an incorrect statement. It also says many pagans are atheists. That’s also an incorrect statement. There may be a few pagans that also claim to be atheists but they are by far the minority, as being a pagan implies a certain type of religion. Most atheists simply call themselves atheists.
There are different forms and traditions of paganism, each with its own nuances and details, but almost all pagans believe in the gods. Whether that’s simply the god and goddess, or the Norse gods, or the Celtic gods, or the Egyptian gods etc. depends on the tradition in question.
Some pagans believe each pantheon is separate, full of separate gods, with each god in each pantheon being distinct. Some believe there’s really only one group of gods, and all the various gods are just different names for the same group.
Some believe all male gods are just different names for the God, and all female gods are just different names for the Goddess. They also believe in spirits and divine beings.
Pagans pray, meditate, and worship the gods of their choosing. They follow the morals and ethics taught by the pagan tradition to which they belong.
They may not believe in the Abrahamic god, but they most certainly believe in deities. Some even follow the gods from which the Abrahamic god comes, such as El the father, and Asherah his wife, the mother, and Yahweh, their son, which all originate from Canaan before being adopted by the Hebrews.
There are even Christopagans, who read the Bible and believe in Jesus and weave that belief with other traditions.
I’m quite sure the author of this article knows at least some of this but has presented a biased view because they want to push their form of Christianity. And it’s a shame for them to knowingly misrepresent the truth like that, because that’s not a very Christian thing to do.
Sad that Christians have to lie like this. It unfortunately illustrates the moral bankruptcy of their religion.