In a show of confidence, racetracks Keeneland and Red Mile moved ahead with installation of hundreds of video terminals known as "Instant Racing." Their move comes amidst a court battle waged by the Family Foundation of Kentucky against the Kentucky Horce Racing Commission. This protracted debate boils down to whether "Instant Racing" should be considered a slot machine, which is currently prohibited under Kentucky law. Of course, anyone who sees the game in action will recognize that Instant Racing is nothing other than a slot machine. Betters wage money based on videos of past horse races. The only aspect of the game that includes horce racing is a tiny video in the upper right hand corner present to convey the idea that horse racing is the focus. Meanwhile, what's placed in front of the better is a game no different than what would be seen in Las Vegas.
In their decision to move forward despite unsettled court disputes, Keeneland and Red Mile are openly disregarding the laws of Kentucky. But then again, they're gamblers. And when it's the Horce Racing Commission that is corruptively granting these licenses to advance their own agenda, what else can you expect?