Commonwealth Policy Center

Surveys indicate that large numbers of Americans are unhappy, isolated, and struggling with mental health at record levels. Social scientists believe that the digital ecology has contributed to the decline in mental health. Samuel James quipped, “You are what you scroll.” Social media is not a neutral tool for human interaction; it distorts our view of reality, isolates us from others, and acts like a millstone around the neck of our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It’s no wonder we all feel like we’re drowning. So if you’re one of the millions of Americans who’s struggling with overall well-being, have you considered that you might be spending too much time on social media? If so, here’s a challenge: unplug from Facebook, TikTok, and your smartphone, and take a digital fast. Spend more time outdoors. Read a book. Enjoy dinner and activities with family and friends. And meditate on the God’s Word, which is the foundation for emotional and mental health.