News Mentions

Featured: Kentucky Baptist leaders say Respect for Marriage Act threatens religious liberty

God is integral to American Liberty

06/30/21 – Northern Kentucky Tribune

 07/03/21 – The Times Leader

CPC Celebrates SCOTUS Ruling, Calls on Gov. Beshear to Renew Sunrise Contract

06/23/21 – The Times Leader

06/17/21 – Kentucky Today


Loving your enemies, not an option

06/19/21 – Northern Kentucky Tribune

Self-identified gender ideology meets Christianity in post-truth arena

04/09/21 – Kentucky Today

04/12/21 – Northern Kentucky Tribune

04/14/21 – Herald Ledger


Will Kentucky's legislature double-down on video gambling?

2/3/21- Northern KY Tribune

2/3/21- Princeton Times-Leader

2/4/21- Kentucky New Era

It's becoming clearer that churches are essential

12/11/20- Kentucky Today

12/13/20- Hardin County News-Enterprise

When cure is worse than disease

7/16/20- Kentucky Today

Humility is the Recipe for a Peaceful Thanksgiving Conversation

11/27/19- Kentucky Today

11/27/19- NKY Tribune

Castlen Recieves Friend of Life Award

04/25/19 – Owensboro Times

Letter from Henderson native

03/28/19 – The Gleaner