Who will represent your values?

Kentucky House 25 General Election

The information below was compiled by a candidate questionnaire distributed by the Commonwealth Policy Center,
a nonprofit, nonpartisan Kentucky organization. We distributed a questionnaire multiple times to all Republican and Democratic candidates who displayed contact info on their website or social media. Candidates who did not respond to our survey, and did not present a clear answer to these questions on their websites, received a “No Response.”

Katherine Leonard

Steve Bratcher

*This Legislation would require educators to incorporate LGBT curriculum in classes as early as Kindergarten.

((1)) “Abortion and contraceptive access are healthcare.” (https://kat4ky.com/policies/)
((2)) “Legalize and tax sports betting and other forms of gambling to provide additional revenue in support of state-funded services such as public education and mental health services including treatment for those for whom gambling is an addiction.” (https://kat4ky.com/policies/)
((3)) “Legalize medical cannabis and allow prescriptions to be filled at dispensaries without taxation. Legalize recreational cannabis and tax and regulate the sale to provide additional revenue in support of state-funded services such as mental health and opioid addiction services.” (https://kat4ky.com/policies/)
((4)) “Gay Rights are Human Rights. Trans Rights are Human Rights. Black Lives Matter. For all lives to matter, society must acknowledge the historic and on-going struggles faced by individuals from marginalized groups and promote equitable policies to reduce inequality.” (https://kat4ky.com/policies/)
((5)) “Common Sense Gun Control. Require mandatory background checks and minimum holds, raise the minimum age for ownership to 21, establish red flag laws, and restore training requirements for permits.” (https://kat4ky.com/policies/)

Paid for by the Commonwealth Policy PAC, UCC. Not authorized by any candidate or campaign.


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