CPC Supports House Bill 243
January 24, 2024
CONTACT: Richard Nelson (
(Frankfort, KY) – CPC applauds Rep. Amy Neighbors (R-Edmonton) for filing House Bill 243, which would allow expecting mothers to claim child support for their unborn child. Neighbors said that her proposal would help new mothers with the many financial challenges they face on their own. “This proposal refutes two big lies the pro-abortion movement tells,” said CPC Executive Director Richard Nelson. “First, they say the unborn child is not really a person. And second, they say the pro-life community doesn’t care about women. Both are false“.
But not everyone is happy with the bill. State Rep. Lisa Wilner (D-Louisville) said, “What the bill would do would be to grant full personhood to an embryo from the moment of conception.” Nelson contends that it shouldn’t be controversial to codify the scientific truth that all human life begins at conception. “Every human life is worthy of protection. And single moms deserve to have financial help from the father,” Nelson said.
CPC says HB 243 is a positive step to support mothers who need help from the father. It’s also a positive step to acknowledge the humanity and needs of the unborn children in the womb.