CPC Statement on Gov. Beshear’s Veto of HB 3 Healthcare in Humanity Act
Date: April 08, 2022
Contact: Richard Nelson –

Frankfort, KY) – Today is a sad day for the least among us in Kentucky, as Gov. Andy Beshear vetoed HB 3–the Healthcare in Humanity Act. “The bill’s restriction on chemical abortion via mail order would have saved lives,” Commonwealth Policy Center’s Executive Director Richard Nelson said. “Easy abortion through the mail cheapens human life. And Gov. Beshear’s veto of HB 3 contradicts his insistence that he cares for the most vulnerable in the Commonwealth.

“HB 3 ensures good medicine in that women deserve more than mail-order attention when contemplating one of the most serious decisions they’ll ever make,” Nelson said. “And women deserve to see a doctor before taking drugs that end the life of their unborn child.”

“The bill also required humane treatment of unborn children aborted in Kentucky abortion centers and closed loopholes for minor girls seeking an abortion without their parents’ knowledge or input. ” Kentucky is a pro-life state,” Nelson said. “And Kentucky voters will remember this next year.”
Commonwealth Policy Center