CPC Calls On State Legislature to Override Beshear’s Veto of SB 150
Date: March 24, 2023
Contact: Richard Nelson –

(Frankfort, KY) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear vetoed SB 150, which protects Kentucky school kids from controversial LGBT indoctrination in K-5 public school classrooms, makes clear that bathroom and locker room policy corresponds to biological sex, and prohibits gender transitions of minors.

This bill will help children and teenagers like Luka Hein who testified to the great harm caused by puberty blocking drugs and high doses of hormones. Hein suffered from mental distress when she was 14, and by 16 had a double mastectomy and hormone “therapy.” This led to severe joint pain, distressed vocal chords, and sentenced her to a lifetime of medical treatment. She’s only 21.

Gov. Beshear said in his veto message that SB 150 “tears away the freedom of parents to do what those parents believe is best for their kids and instead has big government making those decisions for everyone, even if the parents disagree.”

CPC Executive Director Richard Nelson said the veto puts gender dysphoric children in harms way. “Parents have never had the right to make life altering decisions for their child that could leave them scarred and infertile,” Nelson said. “It is not big government, but it is the role of government, to protect the vulnerable who cannot protect themselves.” Nelson is calling on the state legislature to override Gov. Beshear’s veto when they convene on March 29 and 30. 

Commonwealth Policy Center