Legislators Push LGBT Agenda on Kids

Kentucky lawmakers are promoting legislation that would circumvent parental rights in favor of the LGBTQ agenda. HB 296, filed by Lisa Wilner (D-Louisville), would mandate schools to provide “age-appropriate” sex education to children in kindergarten-12th grade.  But...

Medical Marijuana the Wrong Way

Marijuana as medicine is moving in the Kentucky legislature but before we jump on the bandwagon, we should make sure we are using the same definitions so that we don’t talk past each other. Most people think when you say medical marijuana that a doctor is prescribing...

Sports Gambling: Wagering More than Just Money

As citizens of Kentucky, we rely on our elected officials to protect us and govern wisely. A bill that has been proposed runs in opposition to those principals. HB 137, if passed, would legalize sports gambling in Kentucky and has been touted by supporters as the...

Medical Marijuana: Prove It or Lose It

One of the more controversial bills being considered this legislative session is HB 136, which would legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky starting on January 1, 2021. It was filed by Rep. Jason Nemes (R-Jefferson). In the past, Republicans have opposed medical...

Good Medicine is Based on Biology

Should children be able to determine their own gender? A group of health professionals who provide care for transgender patients in Kentucky think so. In a recent op-ed in the Lexington Herald-Leader, 13 medical professionals consisting of medical doctors, nurses,...

Legislation Could Limit Faith-Based Counselors

Last week, the New York Times reported on a Kentucky Senate bill banning conversion therapy, a controversial technique whose extreme practitioners employ abusive practices to force change on those struggling with various sexual orientations. The bipartisan bill—SB 85,...

Christmas’ Real Gift

According to a recent Gallup survey, Americans plan to spend an average of $942 on Christmas gifts this year. This is the most ever since Gallup began measuring the trend. It’s shaping up to be a record year for retailers but often the pressure to give the...

PACs Offer Teachable Moment

Elections are kind of like a new school year. New faces show up. Fresh ideas are disseminated. Personalities emerge. Elections often teach us as much about the candidates’ values as we learn about ourselves. In other words, elections serve as teachable moments....

Happy Independence Day

Just a few days ago I was in Washington DC where I visited the National Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence. It was featured alongside the U.S. Constitution and other historical documents in the dimly lit rotunda. It was amazing to see our founding...

America’s Right to Life Renaissance

States across the nation are enacting pro-life laws at a record pace.  Approximately 30 pro-life laws, including four in Kentucky, have been enacted this year. More appear to be on the way. According to Steven Aden, general counsel of Americans United for Life “This...

Your Vote Could Save a Life

The Kentucky General Assembly passed four pro-life bills in this past session, totaling out to a whopping eight pro-life bills under Gov. Bevin’s administration. This is an unprecedented stretch of pro-life legislation. Kentucky’s pregnancy care centers outnumber...

Primary Election is on Tuesday

Kentucky’s primary election is this Tuesday and if voter participation in 2015 is any indication, the turnout will be in the neighborhood of a dismal 12 percent. Low turnout is partly because Kentucky is one of a handful of states that elects its governor and...

Good Friday Reflections

Today, Christians around the world observe one of the most solemn days of the faith in what is called Good Friday. The name itself appears self contradictory when you consider that it centers around one of the most shameful and horrible acts in history: the...