The Department of Education and Our Identity Crisis

America's education establishment left the world of objective reality on Friday, when the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) politicized public school bathrooms and sided with biological revisionists by demanding that public school students be allowed to use...

Is GOP Abandoning Social Issues?

The GOP once was a three-legged stool that stood on principles of limited government, a strong national defense and socially conservative values. Now that Donald Trump is likely the nominee of the Republican Party, socially conservative issues have officially left the...

Department of Education Transgender Mandate

America's education establishment left the world of objective reality on Friday, when the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) politicized public school bathrooms and sided with biological revisionists by demanding that public school students be allowed to use...

Department of Education Declares War on Biology

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Department of Education Declares War on Biology DATE: May 13, 2016 CONTACT: Richard Nelson PHONE: (270) 271-2713 On Friday, the U.S. Department of Education sent a letter to every public school in the nation notifying them they must open their...

America’s Identity Crisis

Do you remember the famous line in the Wizard of Oz when a bewildered Dorothy gets her bearings after her airborne house comes to rest? She says to her dog "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more?"  Well, that's how many...

Kentucky’s Race for Healthier Children

Right before Kentucky's most celebrated event, a recent report finds Kentucky No. 1 in a category that it doesn't want to be first: the highest percentage of children in the nation who have had a parent in jail.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but...

More Idle Today than Ever

In 1961, 81% of working age men in this country were employed in the workforce. In 2012, that number dropped to less than 63%— nearly a 20 percent decrease. While a tough economy can be partly to blame, many of those unemployed have simply given up on looking...

Of Transgender Men and Dragons: Is Truth Relative?

According to a survey by George Barna several years ago, most Americans reject the idea of absolute truth. Nearly two-thirds of respondents believed that “truth is based on feelings and “relative to the person and their situation.” Ok, the survey is...

KY Senate Rock Solid on Foundations

Exactly 941 bills were introduced in the state legislature during the 2016 session but none were as important as those protecting life and religious liberty championed by the state Senate. The Senate passed five bills elevating and protecting the sanctity of human...

Atheist Billboards Target Ark Park

A group of atheists is so riled up by the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky that they've started a billboard campaign to discourage people from visiting it. The proposed billboard says: “Genocide & Incest Park: Celebrating 2,000 years of myths" and...

Participate in My Gay Wedding or Else

Last week's Kentucky New Era (KNE) editorial "Don't give business prejudice a loophole" sounds good at first blush, after all who supports prejudicial business practices? But after one better understands the issue, the headline doesn't pass...

CPC Honors Lt. Gov. Hampton with Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Commonwealth Policy Center Honors Lt. Gov. Hampton with Award DATE: March 13, 2016 CONTACT: Richard Nelson PHONE: (270) 271-2713 Lt. Gov. Jenean Hampton visited Western Kentucky on Saturday and received an award from the Commonwealth Policy...

The Unprotected

Peggy Noonan, the noted political analyst, wrote a powerful article in the Wall Street Journal on February 25, 2016.  She described two groups, the protected and the unprotected.  The protected make public policy.  The...

Open Letter to Kentucky Churches

To: Kentucky Pastors From: Richard Nelson Re: Open Letter to the Church March 1, 2016 Several states have weighed in on the U.S. Presidential Primaries. Now it's Kentucky's turn. The Republican Caucus is this Saturday, March 5 and the Democratic Primary is on...

News Media Loses Credibility When It Cries Wolf

A few months ago Gallup released a survey that revealed that Americans' trust in the news media is at historic lows. Only 40 percent said they "'have a great deal' or 'a fair amount' of trust and confidence in the mass media to report the news...

Another Trump Controversy

Over the weekend Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, feigned ignorance about white supremacy and its connection to his campaign. In an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN he refused—multiple times—to denounce any individuals or movements...

Spirit of Scalia

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia lies in repose in Washington DC this morning. One of the longest standing justices to even sit on the bench passed away last Saturday. Scalia stood as a towering figure of conservatism in the last 30 years. Yet barely an hour...