The Unprotected

Peggy Noonan, the noted political analyst, wrote a powerful article in the Wall Street Journal on February 25, 2016.  She described two groups, the protected and the unprotected.  The protected make public policy.  The...

News Media Loses Credibility When It Cries Wolf

A few months ago Gallup released a survey that revealed that Americans' trust in the news media is at historic lows. Only 40 percent said they "'have a great deal' or 'a fair amount' of trust and confidence in the mass media to report the news...

Open Letter to Kentucky Churches

To: Kentucky Pastors From: Richard Nelson Re: Open Letter to the Church March 1, 2016 Several states have weighed in on the U.S. Presidential Primaries. Now it's Kentucky's turn. The Republican Caucus is this Saturday, March 5 and the Democratic Primary is on...

Another Trump Controversy

Over the weekend Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, feigned ignorance about white supremacy and its connection to his campaign. In an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN he refused—multiple times—to denounce any individuals or movements...

Spirit of Scalia

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia lies in repose in Washington DC this morning. One of the longest standing justices to even sit on the bench passed away last Saturday. Scalia stood as a towering figure of conservatism in the last 30 years. Yet barely an hour...

Will More $$ for Eastern Kentucky Help?

U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers is pushing for $1 billion dollars for Eastern Kentucky which has been hurt particularly hard by the closure of several coal mines in recent years.  The money would come from the federal abandoned mine land fund and could be used for...

Running with the Devil at U of L

The University of Louisville men's basketball self-imposed ban on post-season play has rocked their basketball season and drawn the ire of Coach Rick Pitino who argues that heavy fines should be levied on coaches, the school—anybody but his ballplayers....

The Face of the Pro-Life Movement

The week started out with many commemorating the work of Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr.  Today, people will march in our nation's capital to uphold human dignity of a different kind. While King was the face of the civil rights movement, it is unlikely the...

Attitude Toward Abortion Changing

This week started out with many commemorating the work of Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr.  It ends today with people marching and assembling in cities (not hit by this wintery blast) to uphold human dignity of a different kind. While King was the face of the...

Trump and down ticket elections

In the New York Times today, Peter Wehner wrote a fascinating article laying out why he could never vote for Donald Trump. Highlighting the rancor, narcissism and overall vindictive rhetoric of Mr. Trump, Wehner paints an image of a candidate that he could not in good...

Don’t bet on the lottery to bring riches

"How could we have been so lucky? I can't believe how blessed we've been.” Steve and Carolyn West had won $300 million dollars in the lottery. Like all lottery winners, their life was changed the moment those lucky numbers were called. For some this...

Powerball relief

Whew!!!  Its over and three someones won and will share $1.6 billion.  Of the $530 million each will receive. Federal and state taxes will take 40-50% of it leaving $260 million for each of the three.  The rest of us can get back to work...

Power Ball Frenzy

This morning the Powerball grand prize stands at $1.3 BILLION, the largest in history, and more than the budget of several of the smaller countries in the world.  As you can imagine, the nation has gone crazy in a rush to buy tickets. On Friday and...

Judge Awards $870 Million to Kentucky

Franklin Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wingate awarded $870 Million to the state against Amaya, Inc., the parent company of the website PokerStars, for illegal play from 2006 to 2011 in Kentucky.  The State sued the company claiming that more than 34,000...

Donald Trump and Religious Liberty

There are many reasons to not support Donald Trump’s bid for the Republican nomination. From his sketchy-at-best conservative credentials to his propensity for outlandish and inane commentary, Trump is an “outsider,” not to the Washington machine of...

Trump, Cruz and the Politics of Silence

The last few weeks have had GOP candidates wrestling for their position on the podium and in the polls. The current front-runner, Donald Trump, has been the singular candidate the rest of the field has sought to criticize with the hopes of distancing themselves from...

Women in Combat Roles

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced earlier this month that they were opening all combat positions to women, including those located at the most dangerous command posts. The move opens up over 200,000 new jobs to women that were previously unavailable. In...

Global Gambling Losses

In early September of 2015 The Economist published one of their “Graphic Detail” series.  It was a national comparison of several facts about gambling.  The article was entitled “Betting the House.”  There are four main graphics...