Commonwealth Policy Center

There’s little question as to the moral decay in certain parts of our society. Music that celebrates immorality, award winning TV programs that celebrate drag queens, and the normalization of perverse sexual identities to young and impressionable children in our public schools. Are all realities and all are troubling. So how does a Christian respond to a culture that seemingly celebrate sin? And how do we keep from getting depressed? Dr. Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is coming to Bowling Green this Thursday to headline a talk: “Honoring God in a Culture that Celebrates Sin.” It’s clear that we live in a sinful, broken world. But we don’t have to be stuck in it. The hope for everyone is that Christ has overcome sin and foolishness by bearing the weight of our sin on the cross. And this is the reminder we need and the hope we can all have. You can register on our website at